Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Beautiful Day For A Cattle Drive!

We went out to help our friends gather their cattle to move to their summer pasture.  It was a picture perfect day.  The weather was fantastic and the company even better.
Recently, I brought my 17 year old mare out of retirement for a very good friend to use.
They are getting along just like peas and carrots.  After the first week my friend called me and told me that she has just about worn the hair off the mare from going out and petting her.  The mare, "Kitty"  is a total carrot slut, and as a result I was able to teach her a nice repertoire of tricks.  Of course my friend Carol liked that too.  Anyway, I got a chance to ride with her today and gather cattle, one of my favorite things to do in good weather.  I rode Kitty's daughter, Wednesday.

After the gathering, we went for a really nice trail ride.  It was Wednesdays first trail ride ever and she did pretty darn good.  I don't know however, why when we have creeks and ponds all over here that she was wigged out about crossing them here.  Oh well, my fault really for not riding her near enough.  I will say that I was happy to see that she is a bit of a billy goat, and sure footed.

Hope you all are having just as much fun!


Maia said...

What a wonderful day and it sure does look like a good time was had by all.

TjandMark/AKA PearlandHawkeye said...

Not quite as much fun. But there is always tomorrow!

gtyyup said...

I'm so sorry to read about Drew...I finally put two and two and VaquaroGirl. She wrote such a wonderful story about the four of you...well, I should say eight when you count the horses. Special times that will never be forgotten~