Monday, October 31, 2011

Simple Rules

Some things seem so obvious, but then again, I guess not....

That aside, my husband went on a search for a lost 3 year old child and the search team came across this.....

Yup...  That's a bear track.  That's why I am not part of Search and Rescue.  I will go if someone is lost at the mall parking lot.  So far I have not been called.


Maia said...

Did they find the child? And having had a too close for comfort encounter with a bear, I'm with you 100%

Dreaming said...

I hope they find the child. How scary and sad.
That bear track is scary, indeed!

Denisarita said...

Little boy was found safe after spending the night alone all night!

Vaquerogirl said...

I heard about that! I didn't realize K was a part of the rescue team!

I think I was lost in the mall today- in SF. Why didn't you come help me?