Have any of you gals ever had your husband been home on an injury for over a week.... Well, I have.
Sometimes it's good, sometimes, not so good.
Anyway, we have been busy, busy. .
Yesterday we went to "Camp Jacq", where the GJA is in training. I had a blast. He is getting a much
bigger trot. YIPPEE.. and transitions are getting better. Like I have said before, I have taken him as far
as I could and it was time for further education. When I say that, I mean both of us. remember, my first time in the English saddle was in Nov. of last year. I had a short lesson, and I tried a 17 hand hunt seat horse that was for sale, but, not for me. Too hard of a trot. I could not sit it save my soul....Nice mare, but, I do like the GJA. Sorry, no photos. I don't know what I was thinking.
Once finished there, we just HAPPENED to stop by the trailer dealer on the way to the Mexican restaurant.
I just wanted to see what our size trailer would look like with a pop out. WOW...
And, off to dinner. ( if wishes were horses, beggars would ride)
So I settled for dinner and a nice ride home. Really, not so bad after all
Let's Get to It
5 years ago